Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11974
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Ministry of Health - Dominican Republic
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,200,000

1. CDC will engage the College of Medical Technologist, Association of Laboratory Owners, the State University, the MOH and PAHO in a working group to review college curricula and training to broaden knowledge and skills on current procedures for adequate blood product preparation, from pre-service levels.

2. CDC will also engage the MOH, College of Dominican Physicians, the Association of Hematologists and the schools of medicine to review and update college curricula and current guidelines regarding blood products usage.

3. CDC will continue to provide TA and support to implement the plan of a National Blood Bank center, to provide:

a. Equipments with adequate maintenance and repair contracts.

b. Staff training on new technologies

c. Managerial education.

4. Assessment and development of a strategy to strengthen LIS at pilot blood bank where support is been provided.

5. CDC will provide TA to develop a plan to guide the monitoring and evaluation of the activities conducted at Blood Bank sites.

6. Assist the MOH to update and enforce the biosafety guidelines, providing basic equipments and staff trainings at all levels of health institutions.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $1,200,000

* USG/CDC will assist the MOH to provide a quality, timely and safe blood supply, nationwide. Strengthening the voluntary donor recruitment campaigns, screening potential donors with the appropriate questions on high risk behaviors, and complete the screening of TTIs with quality tests, will render a lower percentage of excluded blood units; The correct preparation and usage of blood products by updating trainings and guidelines, for pre- and in-service health workers, will render a more appropriate use of blood. An information system installed at Central and Regional Blood Services, will permit a more appropriate distribution of blood products and supplies, with updated data for decision making, preventing shortages and being proactive in management.

* USG/CDC plans to work in fourteen blood services facilities, prioritized by the MOH, which serve a high percentage of the population and have the largest demand for blood units.

* Blood bank sites will also be facilities where the USG is already working (labs, on QA/QC programs, on PMTCT, MCH, and testing and counselling programs), with the opportunities for mutual support and synergies.

* It is expected that quality of blood units will be improved by helping establish an MOH National Blood Bank Center, with state of the art technology, updated trained personnel, adequate collection, processing, storage and distribution of blood products. Interventions will be designed to promote sustainable technical and managerial processes.

* Biosafety guidelines and waste management will be addressed in all health sites that USG/CDC intervenes. CDC will work with MOH, the municipalities and the Ministry of the Environment, so that Biosafety becomes an integral part of routine health services, infection control, waste management and final disposal, nationwide.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $150,000
Human Resources for Health $150,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Military Populations
Mobile Populations